
About Amani

Amani Garvin is an astrophysicist, aerospace engineer, and CEO. In 2019 she graduated from Columbia University with a B.A. in Physics. Through her undergraduate career she worked as an astrophysicist with NuSTAR, GAPS, and LIGO; researching black holes, dark matter, and gravitational waves.

In 2018 she became a Brooke Owens Fellow, where she dived into her first climate justice initiative. For the 2019 Brooke Owens Summit, she developed a grand challenge to solve mass displacement due to rising sea levels in Louisiana.

She now lives in Denver and works at Ball Aerospace as an aerospace engineer, where she works on sustainability initiatives and detectors for climate science initiatives.

In 2020, she founded The 2020 View. An interactive streaming experience, which uses aerospace technology to educate and empower viewers through visualizing the effect climate change will have on their part of the world.

Amani’s foremost imperative is finding entrepreneurial solutions to climate change using aerospace technology.